Lucky Box LIVE Lottery Broadcast 4rd Announcement! (feat. List of Applicants)
Hello, this is
Meet your Star!
Berry Store.
At the end of June, the summer is coming in korea!
Also The 4th Lucky Box Live that’s coming up
Shall we find out what kind of items there are?
The various items are already!
We also announce the status of Berry fundraising that you can check while watching the live!
[Lucky box listings are attached]
‘Jinseong & Hangjo Cho’s busan concert ticket’ — 12,529berry
‘Yoonjeong Jang’s Cheong ju concert ticket’ — 11,045berry
‘Saint Laurent round sunglasses’ — 70,622berry
‘Air fryer’ — 58,613berry
‘Kisoon Hwang’s GAOMAERXI blaack tea’ — 32,377berry
‘Discovery 3-items set’ — 20,560berry
‘Hyunjin Ryu’s autographed ball’ — 17,293berry
‘Dabin Choi’s skates’ — 32,612berry
The host of today’s live will be announcer Kyungyeon Noh!
There are event for real-time viewers June 20th at 6pm(KST)!
Do not miss this!