Gun Jegal donated a quote from the Philippians written in chinese characters while at university.
The youtuber Gun Jegal donated a quote from the Philippians that he wrote personally while at university.
The Philippians is one of the 4 Prison Epistles of Paul along the Ephesians, the Colossians and the Philemon.
Gun Jegal is active as a social worker at Dooho company, and he uploads videos such as philosophy lectures or daily vlogs on his youtube channel.
In 2021, he appeared in the youtube channel “Everything about jobs” in 11 videos. While these videos reached a total of 12 million views, he became the protagonist of the “Everything about jobs” universe (Second-hand cars destroyer, Gun Jegal, Jinsung Car).
Gun Jegal said: “I decided to donate this item to Berry Store to do a good deed and to reflect on my immature past while I was writing this quote”.
The favourite item of the youtuber Gun Jegal is available on the upper banner of the Berry Store application from March 7th.