Guidelines on how to sign up on Berry Store 3.0 and how to link the 2.0 account to the 3.0 one!
[Notice] Termination of support for ‘Connecting 2.0 account’Hello, This is BerryStoreWe would like to inform you that the support for ‘Connecting 2.0 account’ service, which was carried out with the release of version 3.0, will be terminated soon.
Details are as follows:
[End of support service]
- Support termination service: ‘Connecting 2.0 account’
- Expected end date of support: 2022–11–30 (KST)For smooth use of the platform, please connect your 2.0 account before the end of the above-mentioned service end date.
If you have difficulty connecting your 2.0 account, please refer to ‘[Notice] How to swap from 2.0 to 3.0 BERRY’ or contact the customer center at you.
Meet with the stars!
It’s Berry Store.
After the 2.0 version of Berry Store
3.0 version is just around the corner.
For those who have some issues signing up,
we’re going to explain how to sign up and how to link the existing account to the new one!
1. First, download the app from Android or iOS and install it
(You must delete the previous 2.0 version.)
This is the main screen, the homepage.
On the lower right… Press on “More”.
2. The “More” section
You can log in and sign up by selecting this part.
3. Sign up and login
You can register how you want.
(You can log in with your cell phone or social media account.)
4. Read the Terms and Conditions carefully
After clicking on “Agree,” choose your the wallet name.
The wallet name can be up to 10 characters!
5. Once the wallet name is completed, the QR code and wallet address will be revealed and you can copy them right away.
Once you have checked everything once again, press the button to go to the homepage.
6. The wallet address works for both BSC wallet and ETH wallet
Enter your wallet address right for the mainnet of each exchange.
(The wallet address used on the 2.0 version is the BSC wallet address.)
If you followed the instruction, your registration is completed!
Then, let’s talk about how to link the 2.0 account to the next one.
1. If you select Connecting 2.0 in the More page, you will be linked to another page.
2. Go to the linked page and log in with the account you used in the 2.0 version
You will be linked to the next screen.
3. Let’s go on
After checking the quantity of Berry you had in the previous version, press the Connecting 3.0 button above.
Connect the two account.
4. In the section “3.0 Wallet Address”, you have to copy the BSC wallet address and select the quantity of Berry.
If you press CONNECT, it’s done!
If you’ve followed this post in the right way, you will be able to sign up and connect your accounts.
After that, you can take your time and enjoy Donation World and Bounty Mall.